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Django Development Services

Django is a high-level, open-source web framework written in Python that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern, emphasising the reusability of code and the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle. Originally developed by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison during their work at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in 2003, Django has since evolved into one of the most popular web frameworks for building robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications.

At its core, Django provides a set of components and tools that streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on building the application's features rather than dealing with low-level details. One of its key features is the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system, which abstracts the database layer and allows developers to interact with the database using Python objects. This simplifies database operations, enhances code readability, and facilitates database portability across different systems.

Why Choose Django?

These are the reasons why you should choose this platform:

Rapid Development

High-Level Abstractions

Modularity and Reusability

Built-In Features



Community and Documentation

Flexibility in Database Support



Django - Feature-Rich and Secure

Django follows the "batteries-included" philosophy, meaning it comes with a wide range of built-in features and modules for common web development tasks. These include an authentication system, URL routing, template engine, form handling, and more. The built-in admin interface is particularly noteworthy, as it automatically generates an administrative interface for managing application data, saving developers considerable time and effort.

The framework also emphasises security best practices, providing protection against common web vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) , and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Django's development community is active in addressing security issues promptly, contributing to its reputation as a secure framework for building web applications.

Django's Modular Web Development

Django's URL routing system allows developers to map URLs to views, which are Python functions or classes responsible for processing requests and returning appropriate responses. Views interact with models to retrieve or modify data and use templates to generate HTML dynamically. Templates in Django use its own template language, which includes features like template inheritance and filters, making it easy to create modular and maintainable HTML code.

The framework's modularity and extensibility are further enhanced by the concept of applications. Django applications are self-contained modules that can be reused across different projects, promoting code organisation and reuse. This modular approach facilitates collaboration among developers and enables the creation of complex applications by combining and extending existing components.



Django Highlights: Database & Testing

Django supports various databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle, allowing developers to choose the database that best fits their application's requirements. This flexibility contributes to Django's adaptability to a wide range of projects, from small-scale applications to large, enterprise-level systems.

Furthermore, Django emphasises testing, providing a testing framework that allows developers to write unit tests and integration tests to ensure the reliability and correctness of their applications. Automated testing is an integral part of the Django development workflow, promoting code quality and reducing the likelihood of introducing bugs during the development process.

Django's Scalability and Community

In terms of scalability, Django applications can be scaled horizontally by deploying them across multiple servers or by utilising cloud-based solutions. The framework's design principles, such as loose coupling and separation of concerns, contribute to its scalability, making it suitable for handling increased traffic and growing user bases.

Django's community plays a crucial role in its success. The Django Software Foundation oversees the framework's development and ensures its continued growth and improvement. The community is active in providing support, sharing best practices, and creating reusable components, contributing to the overall strength and vitality of the Django ecosystem.

While Django excels in many aspects, it's essential to note that no framework is one-size-fits-all. Developers should consider their project's specific requirements, team expertise, and the overall development ecosystem when choosing a framework. However, Django's popularity and widespread adoption testify to its effectiveness in empowering developers to build robust, scalable web applications efficiently.


How Django Works

Django operates on a set of principles and follows a structured architecture to facilitate the development of web applications. Let's explore how Django works by breaking down its key components and the flow of operations during the lifecycle of a Django web application.

Request-Response Cycle

At the heart of Django is the request-response cycle. When a user interacts with a Django-powered web application, the cycle begins with a request from the user's browser to the web server. This request is processed by Django to generate a response, which is then sent back to the user's browser.

URL Routing

Django uses a URL routing mechanism to map incoming URLs to specific views. This process is defined in the file of a Django project. The URL patterns are defined using regular expressions, and when a URL is matched, Django invokes the corresponding view.


Views in Django are responsible for processing requests and returning appropriate responses. A view can be a simple function or a class-based view. Views interact with models to retrieve or modify data and use templates to generate HTML dynamically. The logic within views is where the application's functionality is implemented.


Django employs an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system to interact with databases. Models in Django represent database tables and encapsulate the business logic for handling data. The ORM allows developers to perform database operations using Python objects, abstracting away the underlying SQL queries. Models are defined in the file of a Django app.


Templates in Django are responsible for generating HTML dynamically. They define the structure of the HTML page and allow embedding of dynamic content using template tags and filters. Templates support template inheritance, enabling the creation of modular and maintainable HTML code.


Django middleware is a set of components that process requests and responses globally before they reach the views or after they leave the views. Middleware can perform tasks such as authentication, security checks, or modifying headers. Middleware components are defined in the MIDDLEWARE setting in the project's settings file


Django settings are configurations that control the behavior of a Django project. Settings include database configurations, middleware settings, template settings, and more. The file in the project's root directory houses these configurations.

Admin Interface

Django provides a powerful admin interface that is automatically generated based on the models defined in the application. The admin interface allows users to manage and interact with the application's data without having to write custom views. This feature is particularly useful for quick prototyping and administrative tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Django

Django is an open-source web framework written in Python that follows the Model-View-Template (MTV) architectural pattern. It provides a set of components and tools for building web applications efficiently, emphasising rapid development, clean design, and reusability of code.
Django is named after the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. The name reflects the framework's jazz-like improvisation and quick development style. Django Reinhardt was a Belgian-born Romani-French jazz guitarist and composer who played a significant role in the development of jazz music.
Django uses the Model-View-Template (MTV) pattern. In this pattern, the Model represents the data structure and database interactions, the View handles the business logic, and the Template is responsible for generating the HTML. While similar to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, the MTV pattern emphasises the role of templates in generating views.
Django uses an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system to interact with databases. Models in Django represent database tables, and developers can perform database operations using Python objects. This abstraction simplifies database interactions, enhances code readability, and allows for database portability across different systems.
The Django Admin Interface is a powerful and automatically generated administrative panel. It allows developers and administrators to manage application data without writing custom views. The admin interface is based on the models defined in the application, providing a user-friendly way to interact with the underlying data.
While Django is primarily known for web development, it can also be used for other purposes. Django Rest Framework extends Django's capabilities to handle API development, making it suitable for building RESTful APIs. Additionally, Django's versatility allows it to be adapted for various tasks beyond traditional web applications.
Django Rest Framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs in Django. It provides features such as serialisation, authentication, and view classes specifically designed for handling RESTful API development. DRF is a popular choice for projects that require API endpoints.
Django places a strong emphasis on security. It includes built-in protections against common web vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). The framework's development community is proactive in addressing security issues promptly, contributing to its reputation as a secure web framework.
Django follows a predictable and time-based release cycle. New versions are released every eight months, providing a balance between stability and the introduction of new features. This regular release cycle allows the community to anticipate updates and plan accordingly.
Django places a strong emphasis on testing. It has a built-in testing framework that allows developers to write and run tests easily. The testing framework supports unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests, contributing to the overall stability and reliability of Django applications. Writing tests in Django is considered an integral part of the development process, ensuring the robustness of applications.

Workflow of a Django Request-Response Cycle

Request Processing

The user makes a request by entering a URL in their browser.
The URL is matched against patterns defined in the file.
If a match is found, the corresponding view is called.

View Processing

The view processes the request, interacting with models as needed.
It may perform database queries, data manipulation, or any other business logic.
The view then renders a response, usually by using a template.

Template Rendering

The template engine renders the HTML dynamically, incorporating from the view

Response Generation

The response, now in HTML format, is sent back to the user's browser.

Middleware Processing

Before reaching the view or after leaving the view, middleware components.
Middleware can perform tasks like authentication, security checks, or headers.

Database Interaction

When the view interacts with models, the ORM translates Python objects to SQL.
Database operations are performed transparently, abstracting the database.

Admin Interface

The admin interface provides a user-friendly way to manage application data.
It is automatically generated based on the models defined in the application.

Forms Handling

If the view involves user input, Django forms handle data validation and processing.
Forms simplify the handling of HTML form submissions and reduce the risk.

Unknown Facts About Django.

Origin and Namesake

Django, the web framework, is named after the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. Reinhardt was a Belgian-born Romani-French jazz guitarist and composer who played a significant role in the development of jazz music. The name reflects the framework's jazz-like improvisation and quick development style.

Python Web Framework Evolution

Django is not the first web framework for Python. Before Django, there were frameworks like Zope and TurboGears. However, Django's simplicity, emphasis on rapid development, and pragmatic design quickly made it stand out and gained widespread adoption.

Django is for Perfectionists with Deadlines

This is one of Django's mottos and reflects its philosophy of encouraging developers to strive for perfection in their code while acknowledging the need for efficient and timely development. The framework's design and features are geared towards helping developers achieve both high-quality code and quick project delivery.

Django Rest Framework (DRF)

Django is not limited to building traditional web applications. The Django Rest Framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. It extends Django's capabilities to handle API development, making it a popular choice for building RESTful APIs.

Django's MTV Pattern

While many frameworks follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, Django uses the Model-View-Template (MTV) pattern. In this pattern, the Template is responsible for generating the HTML, and the View handles the business logic. The Model represents the data structure and database interactions.

Django's Pioneering of the Admin Interface

Django was one of the first frameworks to include a built-in admin interface. This admin interface is automatically generated based on the models defined in the application, allowing developers and administrators to manage application data without writing additional code.

Django's Release Cycle

Django has a predictable and time-based release cycle. New versions are released every eight months, providing a balance between stability and the introduction of new features. This regular release cycle allows the community to anticipate updates and plan accordingly.

Django's Contribution to Python 3 Adoption

Django played a significant role in the widespread adoption of Python 3. It was one of the first major frameworks to officially support Python 3, encouraging developers to transition from Python 2 to Python 3.

Django's Influence on Other Frameworks

Django's design principles and patterns have influenced the development of other web frameworks in various programming languages. Frameworks like Ruby on Rails have drawn inspiration from Django's clean and pragmatic approach to web development.

Django's Testing Framework

Django places a strong emphasis on testing, and it has a built-in testing framework that makes it easy for developers to write and run tests. This commitment to testing contributes to the overall stability and reliability of Django applications, ensuring that changes or updates do not introduce unexpected issues.

Why BSIT for Dango Development


Key Benefits:

Expertise in Django frameworks.

Extensive in servicing cross-domain clients.

Seasoned Django developers with the right technical skills.

Best-in-class coding standards.

Variant engagement models for flexible hiring.

Trust and transparency.

Agile methodology for app development.

Why Choose Us

Why Choose BSIT

The Websites we make are optimized.

Our Agile Methodology of development is proven and effective.

Strong focus on business requirements and ROI.

No compromise on quality of website.

We are quick to response to the clients need.

Delivering services and solutions right for your business.

No worrying as we have an expert web development team.

Our web developers are experienced and certified.

We build responsive websites that auto adapt to device screens.

Extensive project management experience.

Things we have Done

We are building bridges in web technology in order to connect the clients goal to reality.


Our Process


Understanding what you want out of your site and how do you plant to implement it.



We develop content management systems for clients who need more than just the basics.



After successful testing the product is delivered / deployed to the customer for their use.



It is an important step which makes sure that your site works with efficiency all the time.


What Makes Us Different

With our approach to Web Design, our methods continue to be proven in a continuous challenging marketplace with delivering what we promise.

We are creative team

We’ll give you brand new and original creative ideas to bring your campaigns to life and as always will throw in an abundance of friendly.

Five-star support team

Our Support Forum is at your disposal at any time, 5 Star Assistance is offered within 48 hours.

Fully Integrated service

As a leading digital agency we are able to offer a fully integrated service beyond the initial website design.


Our Proficiency

100% Satisfaction

Having in update with latest technologies, our experts deliver outstanding PHP based solutions, ensuring maximum complacency for our customers.

24/7 Technical Support

Through our diverse technical support channels that connect you with the right team of expert developers, to reduce intricacy & boost productivity.

Proven Methodologies

With industry wide experience and right skills in working with various projects that enable us to employ the best business practices and proven methodologies.

Rapid Development

With PHP web development, we can integrate and change the irrelevant codes, sustain codes and capture bugs at faster rate.

100% Tableless Design

We use 100% tableless layout, which compels to write standard compliant code. It ensures fast and quick loading speed.

Fast Data Processing

Our dedicated team of developers ensure faster data processing as well as compatibility with all kinds of operating system by development a website.

Our Focus

We mainly focus on the following things:

Technology Leadership

BSIT Software Services Pvt. Ltd stays on top of new advances in the information technology world, so you can be assured that our software development technologies.

Professional Atmosphere

We believe that a professional and modern work atmosphere is critical to the success of our employees and our business. So we have gone to great lengths to create a high-end office space, with numerous meeting and conference rooms.

Results Orientation

We are proactive in achieving world class results. We set challenging and competitive goals in order to continuously improve our capabilities.

Talented People

We love technology, and we are proud of our far-reaching technical abilities. We have some of the highest recruitment standards in the industry.


We ensure a safe, clean and injury-free workplace. Our proper planning in staffing a project enables us to make and meet commitments.


We strive to achieve the highest standards of excellence. In our quest for continuous development, we focus on doing the right things right.

What we Offer

Web Enablement of Any Legacy Applications

Customized Web Portal Solutions

Community Site Development

Custom Social Network development

E Commerce Solutions

Internet and Intranet solutions

Specific Custom Applications as per client Demand

Corporate Web Based Solutions

Business Applications

Payment processor integrations


We provide affordable Email Marketing Service that Ensures Top-quality Business Websites With Unique Solution.

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