Yii Development Services

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YII Web Development Services

Yii is a high-performance, component-based PHP framework designed for developing modern web applications. The name "Yii" stands for "Yes, it is!" and reflects the framework's commitment to making the development process efficient, straightforward, and enjoyable for developers.

At its core, Yii follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, a widely adopted approach in web development that separates an application into three interconnected components. This separation enhances code organisation, promotes code reusability, and simplifies maintenance.

One of Yii's standout features is its emphasis on convention over configuration. This means that Yii makes assumptions about the best way to set up an application, reducing the need for extensive configuration files. This convention-driven approach accelerates development by minimising boilerplate code and allowing developers to focus on building unique features.

Why Yii?

These are the reasons why you should choose this platform:

Component-based MVC architecture

Suitable for large, advanced, complex, and scalable web applications

Accessing different DBMS from a single interface

Best-standard security features

Tools for RESTful web service APIs

In-built widgets with appealing and easy-to-navigate UI

Testing features to create a unique web applications


How Yii works

Yii operates on the principles of simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility, providing developers with a framework that streamlines the development process. Let's delve into how Yii works, examining its key components and the flow of execution in a Yii-based application.



Yii follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. In Yii, the model represents the data layer of the application. It is responsible for interacting with the database, performing data validation, and implementing business logic. Yii's implementation of the Active Record pattern simplifies database operations by treating database tables as classes and rows as objects.


The view is responsible for presenting data to users. In Yii, views are typically written in PHP and can include HTML and embedded PHP code. Views are kept separate from the business logic, promoting code separation and maintainability.


Controllers handle user requests, process input, and manage the flow of the application. In Yii, controllers are responsible for receiving user input, interacting with the model to retrieve or update data, and rendering the appropriate view. Yii's controllers are designed to be modular and can be easily extended or replaced to accommodate different application requirements.


Yii uses a routing system to map incoming requests to the corresponding controller actions. Routes define how URLs are parsed, and Yii's default configuration follows a pattern that maps URLs to controller actions.

This convention over configuration approach simplifies the setup process, as developers don't need to create extensive routing configurations.



Request Handling

When a user makes a request, Yii's request handling mechanism processes the request and determines which controller and action should be invoked.

The request is then passed to the appropriate controller, which contains the business logic for handling the request.

Controllers and Actions

Controllers in Yii are classes that extend the base yii\base\Controller class. Each action within a controller is a method that performs a specific task in response to a user request.

Actions are responsible for processing input, interacting with the model, and determining which view should be rendered.



Models and Databases

Yii's Active Record implementation simplifies database interactions. Models in Yii are often subclasses of yii\db\ActiveRecord, and they map to database tables. Active Record provides an object-oriented interface for performing database operations, such as querying and updating records.

Developers can define relationships between models, making it easy to work with related data.

Views and Layouts

Views in Yii are responsible for rendering the user interface. They are typically organised into folders corresponding to the controllers they belong to.

Views can include dynamic content using PHP and Yii's powerful widget system. Layouts define the overall structure of a page and can be shared across multiple views.




Yii includes a widget system that simplifies the creation of reusable UI components. Widgets are self-contained and can be embedded within views or layouts.

Examples of widgets include data grids, form elements, and navigation menus. Yii's widget system enhances code modularity and reusability.

Security Features

Yii incorporates various security features to protect applications from common vulnerabilities. It includes input validation, output filtering, and mechanisms to prevent SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. By default, Yii encourages developers to use secure coding practices.



Caching and Performance Optimization

Yii provides caching mechanisms to improve application performance. Developers can utilise caching for data that doesn't change frequently, reducing the need to fetch it from the database repeatedly. Yii supports different caching backends, allowing developers to choose the most suitable option for their application.

Events and Behaviours

Yii supports an event-driven architecture, allowing developers to attach events to certain points in the application's lifecycle. This enables the execution of custom code in response to specific events. Behaviors are a way to extend the functionality of components in a modular fashion. They allow developers to encapsulate reusable functionalities that can be attached to different components.


Yii web development services

FWe insure you get complete Yii development services icing complete satisfaction and excellent results from a gang of professional Yii web inventors. We help you save business charges and time to vend, meeting all challenges of web- grounded business operations.

Custom Yii Development

Customized web solutions tailored to specific app development needs and preferences.

Yii App Development

Building expendable & fully-featured mobile apps compatible with all devices and operating systems.

Yii Extension Development

Enhancing web performance and web engagement with functionality improvement assurance.

Yii Support & Maintenance

Standing by you after completion of web development tasks and assistance for technical glitches.

Yii Theme Customization

Overcoming expectations with top-notch websites designed and developed with a customized theme.

Yii Migration Solutions

Taking websites into the Yii powered platform ensuring smooth and better portal performance.

Third-Party Integration

Incorporating the Yii platform with third-party APIs with authentic and reliable solutions.

Yii Extension Development

Enhancing web performance and web engagement with functionality improvement assurance.

Yii Extension Development

Improving the overall functionality and performance of business portals with customized Yii extensions.

Yii CMS Development

Managing content on the app and web more accessible with Yii CMS development service in a fuss-free manner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Yii

Yii is a high-performance PHP framework designed for building modern web applications. You should consider using Yii if you value efficiency, convention over configuration, and a framework that prioritises both simplicity and extensibility. Yii's modular architecture, active record implementation, and code generation tools contribute to faster development cycles, making it an excellent choice for projects where performance and developer productivity are crucial.
While Yii is designed to be beginner-friendly, there is a learning curve, especially for those new to PHP frameworks. However, Yii's documentation is comprehensive, and the framework includes powerful tools like Gii, which generates code for you, simplifying the development process. With a solid understanding of PHP and some practice, beginners can become proficient in Yii.
Yes, Yii has a robust implementation of the Active Record pattern, simplifying database interactions. Active Record allows developers to interact with databases using an object-oriented paradigm, making tasks such as querying and updating records more intuitive. Yii supports various database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and others.
Yii places a strong emphasis on security. It includes features such as input validation, output filtering, and protection against common web vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Developers are encouraged to follow secure coding practices, and Yii provides tools to help prevent security-related issues in web applications.
Yes, Yii has built-in support for creating RESTful APIs. It follows RESTful conventions, making it straightforward to design and implement APIs. Yii provides tools for defining routes, handling HTTP methods, and formatting responses in various data formats, making it a suitable choice for developing robust and scalable APIs.
Yes, Yii is increasingly being recognized for its suitability in large-scale enterprise applications. Its performance, extensibility, and security features make it a viable choice for building complex and scalable systems. Yii's modular architecture allows developers to design applications in a way that can accommodate enterprise-level requirements.
Gii is a powerful code generation tool that comes bundled with Yii. It helps developers automate the generation of code for models, controllers, forms, and more. Gii accelerates the development process by reducing the amount of boilerplate code that developers need to write manually. It's a valuable tool for scaffolding and jumpstarting projects.
Yes, Yii has an active and supportive community of developers. The Yii community provides assistance through forums, documentation, and contributions of extensions. The collaborative nature of the community enhances the overall Yii ecosystem, making it easier for developers to find solutions to common challenges and share best practices.
Absolutely. Yii is designed with extensibility in mind. Its modular architecture allows developers to extend or replace components easily. Additionally, Yii supports behaviours, which are a way to modularly extend the functionalities of existing components. This flexibility makes Yii suitable for a wide range of projects with varying requirements.
Yes, Yii is suitable for projects of varying sizes. While it is robust and feature-rich enough for large-scale enterprise applications, its simplicity, code generation tools, and convention over configuration approach also make it well-suited for smaller projects. Yii's scalability allows developers to start small and expand as their projects grow.

Why Choose Yii

Yii is a popular choice in the realm of web development for several compelling reasons, and its usage spans a diverse range of projects. Let's explore why Yii is widely adopted and what makes it a preferred framework for many developers.

High Performance

Yii is known for its exceptional performance. It is built with efficiency in mind, and its component-based architecture allows developers to load only the features they need, reducing unnecessary overhead. This makes Yii particularly well-suited for applications where performance is a critical factor, such as large-scale web applications and websites.

Rapid Development

Yii's emphasis on convention over configuration and the inclusion of the Gii code generator significantly accelerate the development process. With Gii, developers can quickly generate code for models, controllers, forms, and other components, saving time and reducing the amount of boilerplate code that needs to be written.


Yii follows a modular and extensible architecture. Developers can easily extend or replace components, making it a flexible framework that adapts to the specific requirements of a project. This extensibility is particularly valuable for complex applications that may require custom components or integrations.

Active Record Implementation

Yii includes a powerful implementation of the Active Record pattern, simplifying database interactions. This pattern allows developers to work with databases in an object-oriented manner, reducing the complexity of SQL queries and making database operations more intuitive.

Security Features

Security is a top priority in Yii. The framework includes built-in features for input validation, output filtering, and protection against common web vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Yii's commitment to security makes it a trusted choice for developing applications that handle sensitive data.

RESTful API Support

With the increasing demand for web services and APIs, Yii's built-in support for creating RESTful APIs is a significant advantage. Developers can easily design and implement RESTful APIs following established conventions, making Yii suitable for projects that require robust API functionality.

Widget System

Yii comes with a rich set of widgets that simplify the creation of complex user interfaces. These widgets cover a wide range of functionalities, from form elements to data grids, and they can be easily customized to suit specific design and functionality requirements.

Community and Documentation

Yii boasts an active and supportive community of developers. The framework's documentation is comprehensive, providing thorough guidance on various aspects of development. The availability of community-contributed extensions and plugins further enhances Yii's ecosystem, allowing developers to leverage pre-built solutions for common tasks.

Caching and Optimization

Yii includes caching mechanisms that contribute to improved application performance. By supporting various caching backends, including APC, Memcached, and Redis, Yii allows developers to implement caching strategies that align with their performance goals.

Mature and Stable

Yii has been around for a considerable amount of time, and its maturity is reflected in its stability and reliability. Many successful projects have been built using Yii, establishing it as a dependable choice for both small and large-scale applications.

Unknown Facts About Yii

Yii's Origin

Yii, initially released in 2008, was created by Qiang Xue, a Chinese software engineer. The framework has its roots in the pragmatic approach of its founder, who aimed to build a framework that is easy to use, yet powerful and extensible.

Acronym Meaning

Yii is not just a random name; it's an acronym for "Yes, it is!" This reflects the framework's philosophy of being straightforward and efficient. The name suggests a confirmation that Yii is indeed the right choice for developers seeking a robust PHP framework.

Composer Dependency Manager

Yii embraces modern PHP development practices, and starting from Yii 2, it uses Composer as a dependency manager. This allows developers to easily manage and install third-party libraries, making Yii a more flexible and adaptable framework.

Yii's Logo Inspiration

Yii's logo, featuring a fox, is inspired by the cunning and intelligent nature of foxes. This symbolism aligns with the framework's goal of providing developers with a tool that is smart, efficient, and can adapt to various project requirements.

Yii's Philosophy

Yii follows the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle and emphasizes convention over configuration. This means that developers can achieve more with less code, reducing redundancy and promoting code simplicity.

Active Record and Gii Integration

Yii integrates the Active Record pattern for database access and includes Gii, a powerful code generation tool. Together, these features enable developers to interact with databases using a simple and intuitive object-oriented approach and generate boilerplate code swiftly.

Yii's Extension Ecosystem

Yii boasts an extensive extension ecosystem. Developers can find a wide range of extensions contributed by the community to enhance Yii's functionality. These extensions cover areas such as authentication, caching, and integration with third-party services.

Yii's Participation in Google Summer of Code

Yii has actively participated in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program, which encourages student developers to contribute to open-source projects. This has led to the development of new features and improvements within the Yii framework, driven by the enthusiasm of young talent.

Yii's Internationalisation Support

Yii places a strong emphasis on internationalisation (i18n) and localization (l10n). It provides robust support for handling messages, date and time formatting, and other aspects of multilingual application development.

Yii's Role in Enterprise Applications

While Yii is often associated with small to medium-sized projects, it is increasingly gaining recognition in the enterprise space. Its performance, security features, and extensibility make it a viable choice for building scalable and secure enterprise-level applications.

Why to Choose BSIT For Yii Technology?


Key Benefits:

Hassle-free project management for a smooth customer experience.

Flexible engagement models suiting your exact business needs.

Develop solutions to help you penetrate the competitive market.

Complete transparency to bring a vision to life.

A team of experienced Yii developers.

Why Choose Us

Why Choose BSIT

The Websites we make are optimized.

Our Agile Methodology of development is proven and effective.

Strong focus on business requirements and ROI.

No compromise on quality of website.

We are quick to response to the clients need.

Delivering services and solutions right for your business.

No worrying as we have an expert web development team.

Our web developers are experienced and certified.

We build responsive websites that auto adapt to device screens.

Extensive project management experience.

Things we have Done

We are building bridges in web technology in order to connect the clients goal to reality.


Our Process


Understanding what you want out of your site and how do you plant to implement it.



We develop content management systems for clients who need more than just the basics.



After successful testing the product is delivered / deployed to the customer for their use.



It is an important step which makes sure that your site works with efficiency all the time.


What Makes Us Different

With our approach to Web Design, our methods continue to be proven in a continuous challenging marketplace with delivering what we promise.

We are creative team

We’ll give you brand new and original creative ideas to bring your campaigns to life and as always will throw in an abundance of friendly.

Five-star support team

Our Support Forum is at your disposal at any time, 5 Star Assistance is offered within 48 hours.

Fully Integrated service

As a leading digital agency we are able to offer a fully integrated service beyond the initial website design.


Our Proficiency

100% Satisfaction

Having in update with latest technologies, our experts deliver outstanding PHP based solutions, ensuring maximum complacency for our customers.

24/7 Technical Support

Through our diverse technical support channels that connect you with the right team of expert developers, to reduce intricacy & boost productivity.

Proven Methodologies

With industry wide experience and right skills in working with various projects that enable us to employ the best business practices and proven methodologies.

Rapid Development

With PHP web development, we can integrate and change the irrelevant codes, sustain codes and capture bugs at faster rate.

100% Tableless Design

We use 100% tableless layout, which compels to write standard compliant code. It ensures fast and quick loading speed.

Fast Data Processing

Our dedicated team of developers ensure faster data processing as well as compatibility with all kinds of operating system by development a website.

Our Focus

We mainly focus on the following things:

Technology Leadership

BSIT Software Services Pvt. Ltd stays on top of new advances in the information technology world, so you can be assured that our software development technologies.

Professional Atmosphere

We believe that a professional and modern work atmosphere is critical to the success of our employees and our business. So we have gone to great lengths to create a high-end office space, with numerous meeting and conference rooms.

Results Orientation

We are proactive in achieving world class results. We set challenging and competitive goals in order to continuously improve our capabilities.

Talented People

We love technology, and we are proud of our far-reaching technical abilities. We have some of the highest recruitment standards in the industry.


We ensure a safe, clean and injury-free workplace. Our proper planning in staffing a project enables us to make and meet commitments.


We strive to achieve the highest standards of excellence. In our quest for continuous development, we focus on doing the right things right.

What we Offer

Web Enablement of Any Legacy Applications

Customized Web Portal Solutions

Community Site Development

Custom Social Network development

E Commerce Solutions

Internet and Intranet solutions

Specific Custom Applications as per client Demand

Corporate Web Based Solutions

Business Applications

Payment processor integrations


We provide affordable Email Marketing Service that Ensures Top-quality Business Websites With Unique Solution.

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We are a sociable bunch and our new business comes primarily from recommendations & referrals from clients & friends who know how we work. We don't think that salesmen should do all the talking for us and so we recommend that you speak directly to our clients to understand who we are and what we do. Our social media pricing is completely bespoke and is based on your current situation and your objectives.


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